Mert a természet már csak ilyen...:)
Tegnap még úgy fénylett a kis almafa, mit valami mesebeli csipke-tündér.
(Bevallom, a nagyon bimbós képeket 1-2 nappal korábban készítettem, hogy biztosan meglegyenek, mert a hímzés lassan haladt, a virágok pedig gyorsan nyíltak. :))
Ma pedig, az esős, szeles délelőtt után, mire hazaértem a munkából a gyönyörű szirmok a földön hevertek.
Because this is nature's way...:)
Yesterday the little crab apple tree was still shining like a lace fairy.
(I admit that I made the pictures with the many buds 1-2 days earlier since stitching went slow and the flowers started blooming fast. :))
And today after the rainy, windy morning when I got home from work the awesome petals were lying on the ground.
Because this is nature's way...:)
Yesterday the little crab apple tree was still shining like a lace fairy.
(I admit that I made the pictures with the many buds 1-2 days earlier since stitching went slow and the flowers started blooming fast. :))
And today after the rainy, windy morning when I got home from work the awesome petals were lying on the ground.
Gondoltam, ha már a fényképezőgépért nyúlok, megmutatom, miket találtam a hétvégén. :)
I thought that when I grab the camera I'd show what I found on the weekend. :)
I thought that when I grab the camera I'd show what I found on the weekend. :)
Minden darabnak meglesz a helye, a bólés üvegnek különösen örülök.
Every piece will have its place, I like the lemonade bottle in particular.
A rózsakertbe ültetett tulipánoknak is ezek az utolsó napjai. Nagyon megáztak.
The tulips set in the rose garden have their last days as well. They got soaking wet.
The tulips set in the rose garden have their last days as well. They got soaking wet.
Albert fája, a japán díszcseresznye is elvirágzóban, de Alíz fája, a piros virágú galagonya még csak most ébred.
Albert's tree, the Japanese cherry is also having the last flowers but Aliz' tree, the red flower blackthorn is still awakening.
Albert's tree, the Japanese cherry is also having the last flowers but Aliz' tree, the red flower blackthorn is still awakening.
Elmúlik ez a tavasz is. Mert a természet már csak ilyen.
This spring will be over as well. Because this is nature's way...:)
This spring will be over as well. Because this is nature's way...:)